Management policy
Management policy set by president Taizo Noda in 2020.
We will become a company that illuminates a corner with moderation, creates natural abundance, and whose value is known to everyone around the world.
Instead of modern management that only emphasizes efficiency, we take on difficult tasks that are abandoned by everyone, continue to do them step by step, take on challenges with our own hands, and achieve success. We aim to be a company that brings smiles to everyone's faces through our honest efforts. We aim to be a vibrant and prosperous company where the children of CERARICA NODA employees will want to work for the company in the future.
In order to achieve our strategies, we believe that the growth of our employees is the most important thing, and we have created the in-house " CERARICA University" to help our employees deeply learn Japanese words and their deep meanings, so that they can use them as they wish. educate. Using the `` CERARICA method'' as our foundation to help people around the world. We will continue to advance and develop it every day.
Management philosophy
Our company's management philosophy was established in 2001 by our president, Taizo Noda, with the aim of creating a truly prosperous 21st century.

Company policy
The corporate stance and guidelines established by the previous president, Yukisuke Noda (Mamoru Noda).

The above characters are the company motto written by our previous president, Yukisuke Noda.
1. The people involved work together as one, understand the same goal, and work together.
Show and educate those around you through your daily actions, such as becoming independent
1. Work with altruism so that all the people and society involved can be enriched and happy together.
We receive many inquiries about the meaning of our company motto.
I sincerely appreciate your sentiments. thank you.
Words to convey to the Noda family (company motto)
The company policy established by Ietane Noda (formerly known as Kanichi, 71 years old), the 10th generation of the Noda family and the founder of Noda Wax Chubu.
one. Obeying Toshoko’s last precepts *
Keep going and do great things
two. living in justice
to establish a head family that respects the ancestors, or to cut off the roots and allow the branches and leaves to flourish.
Ancestor memorial service
People should always work naked for others. If you help others, you will also save yourself.
If you act selfishly, you will destroy your house.
The altruistic philosophy that is
CERARICA concept
strive for the work assigned to them regardless of their rank.
Unity with a sense of responsibility
Even if you succeed, don't think you're superior.
Study the people above you
Aspirations to learn until death
When it comes to business, you should proceed with the mindset of buying raw materials at a high price, making a good product, and selling it at a low price.
The original SDGs
The lower the head, the higher the name, so the environment should be set right so that the Noda family can be preserved to the last generation.
Stay humble
and become a long-lived company
*Ko Tosho’s teachings
15th day of the first month of Keicho 8 (1603)
Tokugawa Ieyasu
A person's life is like walking a long road carrying a heavy burden.
If you always think of inconvenience, there will be no shortage.If your heart desires, you should remember the times when you were in need.
Endurance is the foundation of a safe and long life; anchorage is considered an enemy.
If you only know about winning and don't know what to do, you will end up in harm's way.
Don't blame yourself and coerce others. It's better to fall short than to be wrong.