Five stages of wealth

Five stages of wealth (2021 version)

What is abundance?

According to Hideo Itokawa, a pioneer in Japanese rocket development who also became famous for his work on the asteroid Itokawa, there are currently three rooms on Earth, each with a different level of affluence.

first room

The first room has the minimum necessities for daily life: food, clothes, and a place to stay out of the rain and dew. In order to obtain that minimum level of abundance, I work hard from scratch, and first of all, I feel rich when I have food, clothing, and shelter to survive. In modern times, it is a richness that can only be experienced at disaster evacuation sites.

second room

The second room is a room where you want things that you can live without, but are convenient and fun to have, and feel enriched by them. These are so-called luxuries, and like the young people of Japan during the period of high economic growth, owning cars and audio equipment became a symbol of affluence. In today's developed countries, we have already entered the age of "sharing," and even in Japan, young people are less motivated to pursue this affluence.

third room

The third room is a more modern enrichment room that seeks stimulation to the pleasure centers of the brain. More and more people are getting addicted to gambling with smartphone apps, AV, pachinko, etc., and before you know it, it has become a big industry. This is a room where you can feel that using dangerous drugs, which are a worldwide problem, is rich. Presidents in the United States and the Philippines have made overcoming the drug crisis a top priority. This also includes finance that uses computers to make full use of huge numbers that cannot be seen in reality. Strangely, the richest people in the world, such as GAFA, have sold all the smartphones, pads, and related software that have become the source of their wealth, but they have told their children to use them as much as possible because they are harmful. I try not to let it happen.

Currently, civil wars are occurring all over the world as a result of political poverty, and the least developed countries, which have a large number of refugees, are in the first room of wealth, and the developing countries are in the second room. In developed countries such as Japan, Europe, and the United States, where smartphones are widely used and people are aiming for affluence, it can be said that people have completely settled into the third room.

The third room is a very dangerous room. This is because the richness of this room has no limits, even from the perspective of the brain's structure. That desire is virtual, self-centered, and knows no bounds, and there is a danger that it will take root there forever.

Will we really be able to escape from this third room?
that what we need now is the spirit of the ``traveler'' who courageously takes a step into a new world, as advocated by us at CERARICA

Fourth Room (I noticed this in the 1980s)

Let me introduce you to the fourth room that we are pointing to.

The fourth room is a room that values ​​relationships between people. While traveling around the world in search of CERARICA raw materials, I noticed the unique strengths of the Japanese people. This is the Japanese sensibility of feeling that ``seeing the other person's happy face brings me joy'', and before you know it, the other person's wealth becomes equal to your own.In other words, it is the realization of ``altruistic'' joy. This is a room that embodies the warmth and richness that is born between people.

CERARICA NODA aims to develop bio-industrialization based on the idea of ​​planting trees and utilizing insects in impoverished areas in inland China, and through the joyful faces of the villagers who live there, CERARICA NODA aims to achieve both environmental and economic improvement in impoverished areas. Those of us who help can also achieve richness both mentally and materially. Even in areas where drugs are cultivated, we are trying to develop a ``biological industry'' using life wax that can truly enrich people and ``beautify people all over the world.''

When the fourth room is opened, you realize that there is a fifth room beyond it.

Fifth Room (I noticed this in the 1990s)

It is a room that enables dialogue not only between humans, but also between humans and all living creatures living on the earth.

Humans have language, but how do many living things communicate with each other? This starts with listening to the voices of living things. We need the Japanese sensibility to create many small poems from summer bugs and autumn bugs. The reason why this Earth has remained so beautiful is because, as James Lovelock's ``Gaia Hypothesis'' shows, living things communicate with each other in various ways, and the entire Earth is in harmony as one living organism. There is no other choice but to do so.

When we leave the hustle and bustle of the city and step into a deep forest, we are sure to feel something deep in the sounds of birds chirping, insects singing, gentle sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the rustle of leaves swaying in the wind. .
In addition to communication between humans, it has become possible to elucidate the language of living things and exchange information between living things, allowing humans, plants, insects, and other living things on earth to coexist and coexist toward true abundance through conversation. This world is the fifth room. This is a room where you can feel that true richness comes from ``symbiosis between people, forests, and life,'' where everything on the earth is able to communicate with each other toward harmony.

Just as semiconductors have significantly advanced human communication, dolphins and whales have CERARICA (life wax) in their heads, and use high frequencies to confirm their location and communicate with their friends. In addition, the life wax ( CERARICA ) on the surface of some bees' bodies that they produce acts as a language, and they can quickly identify each other by touching each other with their antennae. If we can elucidate this mechanism, rich mutual communication between humans and living things will no longer be a dream.

We will realize C&C (CERA RICA & COMMUNICATION), listen to the words of animals, insects, and plants, overcome excessive anthropocentrism, and move towards a direction where the entire life system becomes richer and the earth shines more beautifully.
that guiding... is the true form of "coexistence between people, forests, and life."