"Hospitalism Project" in Ozu, Ehime Prefecture

Contribute to the creation of a sustainable Satoyama through environmental revitalization projects that utilize abandoned farmland

CERARICA NODA Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that it will cooperate with the Goby No Hosomichi Project, which is being promoted by Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, and will participate in an environmental revitalization project that utilizes abandoned farmland.

This project is a five-year environmental revitalization project to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the merger of Ozu City, and will be carried out in collaboration with Ozu Agricultural High School, a key to the development of the next generation that will lead the region.

Creating a sustainable Satoyama that will walk along with the next generation

This project was launched with the aim of effective use of abandoned farmland, which has been a local issue for many years, conserving biodiversity, and creating a sustainable Satoyama.

The main focus of this variety of Japanese uses is the cultivation and planting of goby trees, which allow you to collect goby fruit, which is the raw material for Japanese wax. This is a valuable opportunity for students at Ozu Agricultural High School to play an important role in cultivating seedlings, and the generations who will be responsible for the future will take the initiative to participate in environmental conservation activities.

Our company will provide this project with seedlings of Minamata No. 1, a high-quality variety that has been created through many years of research and development, and will contribute to the harvest of even higher quality goby fruit. Minamata No. 1 has a higher wax content than regular goby trees, and is expected to be a variety that can produce high-quality wood wax.

Harvest five years from now, manufacturing resources for the future, and the autumn leaves of goby

Since 2025, 50 seedlings have been planted every year, and in 2020, we expect to harvest more than 600kg of goby fruit per year. Wood wax collected from harvested goby fruit is also considered to be used as a new industrial biological resource in the region.

This project is not just an environmental revitalization project, but is an important initiative that revitalizes local communities and inherits environmental awareness to the next generation.

"Wood Wax" connects Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture and the future

The revival of "wood wax," which played the core role in the development of Ozu City (Ozu Domain). All employees of the CERARICA NODA Tsurukame Kita Factory, the residents of Ozu, and Ehime Prefecture, are working hard on the Ozu city's "Goby No Hosomichi Project" in hopes that all employees of the NODA Tsurukame Kita Factory, as well as Ozu citizens and Ehime Prefecture, will reaffirm the wonders of "wood wax," a completely recycled natural product.

Through participation in this project, CERARICA NODA will continue to contribute towards the realization of a sustainable society.